Red box


Enter the password you received by email to see your personal contents of this box or wait a few seconds for the contents list if you received an email with a magic link. If your password no longer works, the flash sale is over for you.

Before you put this box in your shopping cart, please select the B color. You can find more information about this in the email you received from us.

SKU: red box Category:


Enter your password above to view your box contents.
For technical reasons, the order is placed in the shop of the deichweb agency, which is responsible for programming and implementing the goodie game.
Sorry if the shop looks a bit beta. If we get enough feedback on this flash sale campaign, we will start our own shop for the instant goodie boxes.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 30×40×10 cm
B color

surprise, neon green, neon blue, neon pink, neon pink blue