The Goodie Quiz takes your customer base and product marketing to the next level.
Each of the approximately 15,000 players in the Hempedelic Community receives a weekly sponsored email with a product-related GOODIE QUIZ. To answer the question it is necessary to visit the sponsor's website.
Points are awarded for the correct answer. Anyone who has collected enough points will receive one of the very popular Hempedelic goodie boxes with great product samples.
With this concept, potential customers get to know your advertised products much better, since the quiz question must be answered, in which the correct answer explains the unique selling point (USP) of the product. This is how the advertisers explain themselves why they need your product. In addition, it has been proven that you generate many more website visitors than would be possible with other online advertising measures.
The Hempedelic Goodie Quiz isn't just a game - it's a powerful marketing machine. Use the data protection compliant collection of e-mail contacts of your prospects.
The facts speak for themselves. Compared to other marketing measures, the marketing measures of the Hempedelic Marketing Tools achieve up to 20x better reactions than with social media ads.
Test that
DEALERS CUP Goodie Quiz in a test environment. Prior registration is not necessary here.
Of course you can also go directly to the
HEMPEDELIC GOODIE GAME play along and get to know this innovative marketing system from the inside.